Awards Information

Awards Selection Process

Awardees will be selected through the following process:

  • Nominations will be sought from the public through solicitations for such placed on our website and in selected print and electronic media . Both third party nominations and self-nominations are acceptable.
  • Nominations received will be verified and assessed by our dedicated research consultants. Duly eligible and verified nominations will be shortlisted and passed on to the organizers;
  • A specially constituted international Awards Selection Jury comprising seven highly experienced and knowledgeable persons in financial intermediation will then assess the shortlisted nominations and through a voting process that eliminates nominees by turn, will select the winners in each category, that meet the established criteria.


All financial intermediation companies licensed by the Bank of Ghana as a deposit taking institution are eligible for awards. Specifically, this therefore comprises duly licensed companies in all the genres of financial intermediation stated in the introduction section of this website’s content.

Terms / Conditions For Award Conferment

Awardees will not be required to make any payments towards their selection. However duly selected awardees will be required to send representation to attend the awards conferment ceremony in person.  This is to ensure the quality of the awards conferment ceremony. Consequently any awardee who fails to commit to attendance or representation will forfeit the award, which would then be conferred on the first runner up in the selection process.

Awards conferment Ceremony

Awards will be conferred on the winners at a gala buffet dinner event to be held in Accra. The specific venue and date will be communicated subsequently.

This event will be strictly by invitation and will be attended by awardees and their guests, top level, government officials, financial intermediation industry regulators, corporate chieftains and highly accomplished entrepreneurs, the international community in Ghana, and  both the local and the international  media.

Awardees will be served with table reservation forms which they would be required to complete to confirm their attendance and to ensure full hospitality services are provided to them  as requested.